The Puget Sound Chapter of Free Republic
Christmas Party, 2003

On Saturday, December 6th 2003, members of the Puget Sound Chapter of Free Republic held a Christmas party, one of the relatively rare events where Washington FReepers forsake the Internet to meet face-to-face, sometimes to renew personal friendships and sometimes to meet others in person for the first time.  Washington State FReeper events are always interesting and always fun.

BilltheDrill's Brews A tradition for WA FReepers, it appears, are the brews from master brewer BilltheDrill.  The warning to the right was prominently posted, along with the descriptions of this year's offerings (following).

It's a Quagmire! brew This brew was quite clearly reflecting on the Left's hand-wringing about Iraq.

Named for FReeper Publius!
The next beer was probably named for FReeper Publius. Despite the disclaimers, great stuff!

Angels we have heard ARE high... on beer? Angel high on Christmas Tree This one had an interesting name, for which I have no explanation in hand.  Perhaps it referred to the angel high atop the Christmas Tree...


BilltheDrill's offerings were very well received.

Still Life With Bottle Caps
Still Life With Bottle Caps
(The Art of Booze, by BilltheDrill)

And such was BilltheDrill's brewing fame, he was presented with a special gift, a talking bottle-opener.

All seriousness aside, it was an excellent occasion for chats with (often, but not always) like-minded folk.

and for all the children present to play (and keep the adults busy!):

Early on, the party started with the traditional series of toasts to : "Our Godfather Ronald Reagan, To our spiritual Godfather Barry Goldwater, To President George Walker Bush,and Richard  Bruce Cheney, and to the father of Free Republic Jim Robinson. And to our hostess, GarandGirl."

The party took no time in spreading the favourite hangout of successful parties -- the kitchen, where the first (but not last) attempt at a surreptitious photograph was quickly foiled.


Throughout the event a Live Thread was maintained.  Publius took his turn more than once (but why did the postings always seem to come from Libertina!?!?)

Soon it was dinner time, starting with recognition of the contributions of the current Chapter President (Libertina) and her predecessors, then the line formed for dinner.

This shows just a bit of the potluck spread, including what was left over AFTER dessert!

Later, a video of the FReep of the Seattle (Lake Forest Park) book-signing in the area by Her Royal Highness Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRH HRC) was played for all to view and enjoy.

All gave their thanks to the lovely, hard-working and gracious hostess for this event, GarandGirl (also here with Libertina)!

Garand Girl and Libertina

It was a great evening to share with other FReepers!

Last updated 12/20/2003.
See other events