The Puget Sound Chapter of Free Republic
Picnic 9/20/2003
Sunnyside Park, Steilacoom, WA

Free Republic's own Libertina
, chair of the Puget Sound Chapter, called a chapter picnic on Saturday, September 20th, in beautiful Sunnyside Park in Steilacoom, WA, right on Puget Sound.  The location she chose was beautiful and spectacular, and as fortunate would have it the rain of the several days preceding (this is the Pacific Northwest Northwet, after all!) was nowhere in evidence. Nevertheless, she had reserved a shelter in the park sufficient for the anticipated turnout, within easy walking distance and close to the beach.

Entrance to Sunnyside park Pictire of shlter from the beach

There would be no question to anyone's mind, approaching the shelter, that they were in the, um, right place!

Shelter entrance with American flags

This having been billed as a family event, families were there, of course.  Some of the older children played in the waters of Puget Sound.

One family at the barbeque Children playing in Puget Sound waters

The barbeque (BBQ) was started and maintained by Chad Fairbanks and Drango, and saw use over several hours.  We didn't seem to have any vegetarians here (not that it would have mattered to anyone).

Loading the BBQ2 .BBQ from a distance2 Cooking on the BBQ

As much as anything this was an opportunity for the Puget Sound members of Free Republic to meet, sometimes for the first time, and chat.


Among the various distractions throughout the picnic, three deer were spotted inland across a train track and a road.  A number of the group went to observe these deer living deep within a suburban area.

A deer and a cyclist

When lunch was done, Libertina called a meeting for the chapter, at least those present, and many issues were discussed and plans laid for the future.  

A great big thank you from Eala (your photographer) to Libertina, Publius, LibreOuMort, GarandGirl, Holyscroller, Mr. Holyscroller, Goodnesswins, Mr. Goodnesswins, Chad Fairbanks, BillTheDrill, Redwood71, M0sby, GretchenEE & "lurker" and DJF for turning out for this event.  And especially to Libertina for all your hard work in organizing this opportunity to meet other local FReepers!